Do you like spaghetti?

It doesn't matter, this site isn't about spaghetti though. But just like spaghetti, you may or may not like this site. And like a waiter, I will always welcome you. In short, we have many dishes in the menu. Enjoy your stay!


— a random site that you found one day —

But why is my site called spaghetti?

I love spaghetti. And I can't think of a better name haha.

What language do I use here?

Mostly bahasa Indonesia.

What is this site about?

Random. Something like video games, movies, anime, true story, mystery, travel, tutorials, etc.

When will new things come?

I have no schedule for this (for now) (or probably will never). I only do this when I want to. No promise.


~ to have fun, share the fun, help & inform other people ~

Anyway, did you notice these cool stock images? I got them for free from Pixabay, and so are 90% of stock images in my blogs. Because it's just that good..

Go check their site!

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